lördag, september 08, 2012

Hästsko-fläta/kabel och hål/ horseshoe-braid/cable and hole

Andra testbiten på temat kabel/fläta i tunisisk virkning/krokning.
Följer samma princip som den blå testbiten med högervriden kabel i förra inlägget.

short instructions:

Chain 19 (20 total on hook)

I did 3 inbetweenrows, 2 prepairing for wtist rows, twistrow ... and then from the start again. Se below for explaination of the different rows.

the 'inbetween' rows: 1tks, 2tps, 12tks, 2tps, 1tks, 1endstitch

the 'preparing for twist' rows: tks, 2tps, 3tks, yo, 6tks, yo, 3tks, 2tps, 1tks, 1endstitch

the 'twistrow' (for horseshoe):  tks, 2tps, 3tks, put the three last loops that you picked up - onto another needle and hold the needle on the BACK of the work, continue and pick upp the next 3 TKS, put the 3loops on the needle back onto the hook, 3tks, put the three last loops that you picked up - onto another needle and hold the needle on the FRONT of the work, continue and pick upp the next 3 TKS, put the 3loops on the needle back onto the hook, 2tps, 1tks, 1endstitch

the 'twistrow for holes: this is made in two steps, the first is a twistrow as described for horseshoe, then make the inbetween and prepairing rows. when its time for the next twisting row just do as for the horseshoe twistrow but opposite... that meaning holding the first twists cableneedle to the front instead of to the back, and the second twist to the back instead of the front.